Con-Tech global sourcing offers a wide variety of reconditioned drum closures and accessories which we exclusively supply in the Americas for Technocraft Industries (India) Ltd., an ISO 9002 certified worldwide supplier of Tite-Seal™ plugs and Tite-Seal™ flanges. We also have a full line of leak lock plugs, plug gaskets, and other related accessories. All of Con-Tech’s reconditioned drum closures and accessories are in stock and ready for immediate delivery. Con-Tech’s wide range of reconditioned drum closures and accessories offers reliable cost-effective security for all of your reconditioned drums.
Best Uses of Reconditioned Drums
An EPA publication recognizes that the “benefits of reconditioning steel drums are considerable. New drums cost nearly $20, and reconditioned ones are about $12. Thus, at waste disposal sites where there are thousands of drums, the potential reclamation value could be significant. Moreover, reclamation would help to alleviate a nationwide shortage of reconditionable 18-gage drums.”
Industry sources have long recognized that emptied steel drums can be reconditioned or recycled many times over, making them eminently sustainable.
Many discussions about reconditioning emphasize that the best use of an industrial container is its reuse. Organizations of manufacturers of reconditioned and new steel, plastic, and fiber drums, as well as intermediate bulk containers, work hard on their members’ compliance to the myriad rules governing the recycling process. Manufacturers of new industrial packaging and their North American suppliers do the same while emphasizing the importance of safety and reliability.
In drum reconditioning, empty, used drums are cleaned, re-shaped, assembled with the appropriate lid, drum ring and/or fittings, painted and recoated where needed. The method through which a drum is cleaned and reconditioned depends upon the drum’s prior contents and its construction.
All steel drums must have the heads removed prior to reconditioning. Steel drums that contained paints and related items are burned in drum furnaces at high heats, while open head steel drums which previously housed solvents and similar items are washed with high-pressure alkaline-based solutions and steam. After cleaning, steel drums are straightened, reshaped and blasted with steel shot before painting, recoating and assembling with the appropriate drum lid, drum ring and/or drum fitting.
Poly Drums are reconditioned with alternating submersion and high-pressure alkaline solutions, while fiber drums are usually cleaned with air, high-pressure steam and/or alkaline rinses and then visually inspected before reassembly. Visual inspection and leak testing to satisfy DOT and UN regulations are part of the final reconditioning process of all steel and poly drums.
Drum Closures for Reconditioned Drums
Drum closures for reconditioned drums are devices used to seal these drums in order to protect the contents against air, dirt, liquid and other contaminants during transportation and storage. Reconditioned drum closures also maintain the shelf life of the contents and provide a means of reclosing and reusing the drum. The reconditioned container closures are covered with cap seals to prevent tampering and further protect the contents.
Read about Bolts, Nuts, and Lugs for Drum Closures…
For more information on our reconditioned drum closures and accessories, click the RFQ button, email or call 1-504-523-4785.