Resources – Show And Tell

A recent article about the role of online video in manufacturing marketing talks about how this medium is one of the best ways to reach potential customers. We couldn’t agree more! 

Over the past three years, Con-Tech has created a series of videos that tell viewers and readers what we do, what we offer and how we can help them and their companies. We also have developed white papers, brochures, and blogs. They are part of Con-Tech’s efforts to share our expertise and to help our customers and potential customers help themselves.

Speaking of sharing our expertise, Con-Tech Executive Vice President Robbie Evans III will be in person at the Spring IPANA Conference in April 2022. Robbie will be there to discuss his observations, challenges and successes in the past year working with suppliers and customers in the steel drum and small container industries.

At Con-Tech, we talk a lot about our customer service and the value our knowledge and experience plays in securing and retaining customers. Recently, we spoke with a new vendor who ran his own manufacturing business years ago. After learning more about our business, he told us how much he wished he knew about us when he had his business, and reiterated how valuable it is to have someone who can wade through the challenges of dealing with suppliers and manufacturers overseas. It was high praise and deeply appreciated.