Technology and Manufacturing

Technological changes have impacted the world of manufacturing and distribution in myriad ways. Technology has radically improved manufacturing, replacing human workers with machines which frequently perform tasks faster and more accurately. Technology also has made implementing manufacturing changes easier, whether remanufacture, design for assembly, design for disassembly, or design for recycling is involved. And distribution channels have been changed by technology in untold ways. In the very least, with the emergence of the internet as a major marketing force, it is much easier for suppliers to sell directly to consumers. But that is not the whole story.

Technology and manufacturing have always developed side by side. The latest technology is producing what we know as smart manufacturing, or Industry 4.0. According to the Propel 2021 Manufacturing Report, a 2019 survey showed 26 percent of all middle market manufacturers develope an Industry 4.0 strategy, with another 28 percent in the process of developing one,while only 5 percent have reached the implementation stage. This means there is a huge opportunity to take advantage of new technology.

Smart manufacturing is the latest jump in revolutionizing the way we live and work. Just like computers and mobile
phones revolutionized communication in Industry 3.0, Industry 4.0 technology is revolutionizing manufacturing.
Recently, PWC conducted a survey where 91 percent of surveyed respondents stated they are investing in digital factories but only 6 percent consider their factories to be fully digitized. Now is a tremendous time to be on the forefront of change and advancement in technology in manufacturing.

However, technology has not changed some fundamental business basics. Most companies now realize that things outside their core competence or that cannot be successfully automated should be outsourced to experts in the given area. Con-Tech’s almost 40 years in global contract manufacturing and distribution offers customers essential expertise. Our customers realize that by outsourcing to Con-Tech they need not divert limited resources away from their core products. And they do not need to navigate the language barriers, cultural differences, fluctuating exchange rates and trade restrictions that can make global business frustrating.

Con-Tech is constantly developing relationships with suppliers and manufacturers around the globe who are leaders and are advancing their businesses technologically. For help with your business, reach out to us through our website or via email to: